Sunday, July 4, 2021


Hard work performed in a disciplined manner will in most cases keep the worker fit and also prolong his life. Every man who has become great owes his achievement to incessant toil. One common slogan of the West, the importance of which the Indian citizen has not yet sufficiently grasped, is: “If you do not work, neither shall you eat”. It is by his work that an individual is enabled to earn a living."



 If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L. means "First Attempt In Learning" End is not the end, In fact E.N.D. means "Effort Never Dies". If you get No as an answer, remember N.O. means "Next Opportunity". 


I was originally supposed to become an engineer but the thought of having to expend my creative energy on things that make practical everyday life even more refined, with a loathsome capital gain as the goal, was unbearable to me.

Einstein reveals his true colours in this quote. A) He doesn’t like engineering. B) He doesn’t like capitalism. Who’d have thought that one of the world’s greatest ever minds could be so misguided? Oh well, we all have our flaws. And we can’t really criticise the man who explained pretty much everything we know about our universe. Pity though, he would have made an excellent engineer – such a waste of talent!"



Science is about knowing, engineering is about doing. Let’s start with a serious one. Henry Petroski is a renowned civil engineering professor and failure analysis expert. He’s certainly got a point. Science demands rigour, proof, deep analysis. You could say the same about engineering, but at the end of the day it comes down to doing. You try, sometimes you fail, but you keep on trying. That’s the spirit of engineering and it’s the attitude that catapulted the world into the modern age.



I don’t spend my time pontificating about high-concept things; I spend my time solving engineering and manufacturing problems.

Elon addresses a popular misconception people hold about him. He’s either seen as a messianic or Iron Man type figure, or a Bond villain plotting world domination. Love him or loathe him, he’s definitely pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of engineering as evidenced by his SpaceX’s recent successful re-entry and safe landing of a spacecraft – a world first.



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